Now I know you're watching

Thursday, 28 June 2012

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

And here they are:

  1. I started Tweeting and what I didn't expect was ... That I would enjoy it :) YEAH.
  2. The more I viewed my Facebook feeds, the more I hate Facebook.
  3. Viewing former friends blogs and Facebook,  I'm glad I'm done with school.
  4. I met wonderful people, that I would want to remember for a long time.
  5. I realised the power of words (using them correctly and incorrectly).
  6. Once you put something out there in cyber space, its there to stay. Whether you like it or not. 
  7. Downloading songs and movies without paying for them, is exactly the same as stealing from the cast, produces, artists etc.
  8. Being online helped me realise my cheer love for GLEE ... Yes, I'm a GLEEK!
  9. Children are growing up much to fast.
  10. I hope that my children learn to respect what being online can do for them, however they do not abuse it!
I love being online, and the unexpected consequences make it even more fun... 

Women that are online are like Iron Women, there is no stopping us.

Friday, 22 June 2012

The elephant in the room

The elephant in my room at the moment is being over shadowed by bordem and laziness. I've been on holiday for some time now (a few weeks) and everyday there it is - my work for next term. 

I should be starting with it, and everyday I say that I will but till now I haven't. It's there and it's big and not pretty - it needs to be tackled - as my friend and fellow class mate would put it - piece by piece. 

So that's it, I've decided! Tomorrow I am going to tackle my big, fat and very ugly elephant that seems to be taking up all the space in my room. Tomorrow I begin with my work for next term, nothing and no one is going to stand in my way!

Who is with me?

Friday, 8 June 2012

Happy Birthday

Birthday boys 

Today we celebrate the day of my dear friends Garry and Grant were born – yes I mean birthday! They are as cute as pie and completely lovable. 

I met them a few years ago, while I was out with my then almost boyfriend and my now boyfriend, and since then have grown to love who they are. They treat everyone with respect, and although they may tease you – the love and respect is always there.

I am looking forward to seeing them later this evening for some great PARRRTY time. 

Tweeennies :) 


We love them :) 

Sadly, there are those who are completely incompetent, and just too immature to be lecturers.

As a lecturer you need to objective, intelligent, disciplined and - VERY importantly - mature.

Why do I say this? Well, you are working with individuals who are finding themselves, and discovering their strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes while discovering themselves, students may become difficult or arrogant or competitive – they may even want to compete with you.

When these stages of their development do occur you as the lecturer need to be able to put them on their place or even give them some encouragement where need be. Lecturers should not feel the need to compete with their students.

Be mature enough to know who you are and handle your students with maturity and intelligence. 

(By the way - this is not directed at you Marian)

Every day is a good day

Who the heck believes these things? Yes, sure we all learn something every day and eventually everything that seems bad right now will work its self out somewhere in the future.

However, whoever said that every day is a good day was/is talking a load a crap!

Four years ago I lost three of my cousins in a car accident! One of them I considered to be one of my best friends – even though I was close to all of them. So I was woken up at 2am be to told that three people who mean the world to me have been taken away from me… never to be seen on this earth again.

My family was crushed. Their parents were crushed. The 2000 people who attended the funeral were crushed.
That was NOT a good day.

So don’t tell me every day is a good day because it’s not!

On the flip side ... HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE :) 

you are allowed one bad day among all the good

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses.

I’m truly not sure what my greatest strength is at the moment. I know that we have all been put on this beautiful (or at least it was beautiful) earth for a purpose and we have been given talents which are our strength.

For some it is easy to find their strengths, those with powerful voices know what they’ve got, those are movie stars know what they’ve got. Now, what about the regular folks like you and me… how do we find our greatest strengths?

It’s not as easy as we think but also not as hard, just see what gets you the furthest in life then on the other hard see what others (who find it hard to be happy for the next person) never encourage you to do and sometimes puts you down for.

The haters will always hate! Don’t let them get you down! Do what you do best and never let your greatest strength become a weakness … Never mind your greatest weakness!

Try a cliché

Have we just been encouraged to use cliches?

For as long as I can remember teachers, lecturers, editors and the whole bang lot have been stressing the importance of being able to express yourself without words and phrases that have been used a million times before.

However, now we have been nudged in the direction of using them? This is strange to me, and although I do tend to use a cliché now and then (no one can deny it , we all do)  - I try to stick to what I have been thought and that is to avoid them.

So as much as I would love to follow Marian’s instruction and try a cliché, I will have to politely decline.