Now I know you're watching

Monday, 13 February 2012

Accepting a gay family member

I’ve realised that no matter how close you are as a family, coming to terms with a gay family member is never easy. It shifts the thinking of what ‘normal’ should be, what is allowed and what is not.

Even growing up in a family where children are brought up as friends does not make it any easier to accept the unexpected words: “I am gay”. When you grow up you expect your brother to marry a sexy, smart woman - one that you, as the sister, would have to compete with. As a father you look forward to having ‘the talk’, its fun because you understand what your son is going through - man-to-man.

When there’s a shift in the ‘normal’ family structure, it may take some time to come to terms with change – when you are set in your ways, adjusting to change takes time.

One thing I’ve learned is: no matter how hard it is for you to accept, it is substantially harder for your son/daughter/brother/sister to ‘come out’. 

So, make an effort to understand their feelings and how difficult it is to have your life judged, every day.

Who your family member loves, shouldn't change how much you them.

This is what I've learned and I'm hoping to implement it in my life when need be.



  1. I believe regardless of whether you straight or gay, you are still a person as musch as everyone else. Different strokes for different folks. Love is supposed to be unconditional and should not be determined by societal norms.

  2. I think the bottom line for us is to accept those being different. Why is it hard for us to see that differences are not abnormal? Embrace it; it may change your life and that of the other person. I admire your courage to write about this and wish you and your family well in coming to terms with this "difference"
