Now I know you're watching

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

I think it so thrilling to play the motherly role without actually having to be the mother. Last weekend I became a godmother, it is such an amazing feeling knowing that I have been chosen to fulfil such an important role! WOW! My godchild becomes more gorgeous every day. I don’t get to see her as often as I would like but when I do get to see her I am amazed at her growth and how much she has changed. Becoming a godmother is such a blessing; it has made me even more anxious to become a mother myself, although I know that it needs to wait.

My godchild has the most gorgeous name: Rachel and she is as gorgeous as her name and as strong as it too. Rachel means: ewe, the female sheep or the one with purity.

I am looking forward to many years of love and fun with the one with purity! 

My godchild and her godfather 
My godchild and me 

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