Now I know you're watching

Monday, 12 November 2012

How old would I be if I didn’t know how old I was?

Well, I am a tiny little person, who has been mistaken for a younger version of myself far too many times. So, if one day I woke up and couldn’t remember how old I was or anything about myself I would be added to my own list of ignorant fools who accuse me of being younger than what I am, or compared me to someone far younger than me. Shame on those people!

On the flip side of that coin, I do believe that if I looked at my mind and how I deal with situations, I would probably be about ten years older than what I am. That’s probably because I’ve always be surrounded by people older than me, and my father has always tried to instil in his children, the attributes of an old soul.
So, basically, physically I am a teenager, and mentally I am an old woman. Lol J

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